You can reach the office via the main entrance in the building of the WKO Wirtschaftskammer Burgenland. Parking spaces are available in front of the building (free of charge).
About us
Our wide range of specializations provide you with exceptional expertise in both disputed and non-contentious matters.You benefit from our extensive experience in representation before courts and authorities.Outside our fields of activity, we cooperate with proven and carefully selected law firms.So we are always at your disposal as a central contact person.
We advise and represent in numerous areas of law and always give you clear recommendations for action. The solution of your problem and the personal contact with you are of utmost importance to us.
We advise you in our numerous fields of specialization with exceptional expertise.
From the founding of the law firm in 1927 by Dr. Felix Kosch to this day - and thus already over 90 years - we work at the highest level and with the utmost dedication to the benefit of our clients.
Problem-solving expertise
We do not focus solely on the legal issue but work with you to develop a legally and economically sound solution.
We manage your project with verve, passion and and creativity.
Community is something that our law firm takes very seriously, especially across our different offices. This is also a benefit for our clients since they can be advised – according to their needs – by the respective expert at all our offices.
The individual lawyers in the Kosch & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH each have specialized in several disciplines. This allows us to jointly cover a wide variety of client needs and satisfaction.
The design of general terms and conditions (and form sheets for contracts) represents a particular challenge for firms - especially in consumer area, which is often determined by European law.
Kosch and Partner Rechtsanwälte advise you on this and work with you to create legally compliant contract terms. In addition, we stand in the event of ligitation on individual clauses with our expertise by your side - for example in a representative action under §§ 28 f KSchG.Zum Labour law
Labour law
Anyone can handle commonplace matters involving labour law, such as disputes over dismissals or termination of employment – at least they think they can. However, the complexities inherent in these more or less familiar themes are endless. A whole host of problems can be encountered in a spectrum of fields ranging from reference letters to timekeeping, where the questions may be manifold:
What rights does the employee have and what are the rights of the employer with regard to working hours and holiday arrangements?
What fiduciary duties has the employee against the employer?
What are the duties and what rights exist with regard to the use of the company computer, company mobile phones or phone for private purposes of the employee?
What are the rights and obligations that exist in connection with the construction and use of a works council?
Apart from these, a number of new areas have developed, particularly in recent years: mobbing, equal opportunity and part-time parental employment are just a few buzzwords here.
The law firm of Kosch & Partner Rechtsanwälte will be happy to advise you quickly and competently in order to ensure that the rights of both employer and employee are suitably safeguarded.Zum Bank contract law
Bank contract law
Kosch & Partner Rechtsanwälte advise you in all private law areas of banking and capital market law.
Special expertise lies in the following areas:
With the greatest expertise we will advise you on all aspects that arise in the context of the realization of a construction project.
Special emphasis lies thereby in the building contractor law and construction contract law.Zum Data protection
Data protection
Kosch & Partner Rechtsanwälte advise you comprehensively on all questions of data protection law.
The focus of the consultation is on the adjustments made necessary by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) through the implementation of data protection management systems.Zum Matrimonial and family law
Matrimonial and family law
Regardless of whether one is married or living with a partner, and regardless of whose the idea is, the thought of separation provokes fears and concerns. Questions like “What happens now?” “What will happen to me?” plague people relentlessly in such situations. We can help you deal with this difficult situation by clarifying matters, especially your legal situation.
We see you through to what will hopefully be a positive future.
It is important to find out about the legal ramifications of marriage or cohabitation before taking this step.Zum Inheritance law
Inheritance law
Inheritance law is one of the particular areas of expertise of our law firm.
Together with you, we make the necessary arrangements among the living that will spare you later inheritance conflicts. When a death occurs, we can also provide support with the probate process. If an amicable agreement cannot be reached, we will implement your testamentary rights or compulsory inheritance claims for you, or protect your interests against unjustified demands.Zum Corporate and restructuring Law
Corporate and restructuring Law
If two or more persons agree to operate a business together, then a regulation of the rights and obligations of the contracting party partners is required. Legislators have laid down basic rules that do not address the individual needs of individual shareholders or the variety of business activities.
Based on many years of experience, Kosch & Partner Rechtsanwälte have the highest level of expertise in this area and inform you about the potential developments and crises of a company and the necessary regulations in a partnership agreement. The individually tailored to the company partnership agreement is a guarantor for an orderly, joint design of the company.
In addition, consulting and representation in reorganisations - ie in the purchase and sale of companies and companies, mergers of companies and the formation of new business groups - is one of our specialties. In dealing with such challenging tasks, we have extensive practical experience.
Our customers include small and medium-sized companies as well as corporations and corporate groups. We see ourselves as a reliable and competent support of our clients in the reorganization or expansion of their business opportunities.Zum Intellectual property law
Intellectual property law
When it comes to the protection of your intellectual property (trademark, design, patent, copyright), you are in good hands with Kosch & Partner Rechtsanwälte.
We advise you comprehensively and accompany you both with the registration of your right as well as with the defense of interferences into existingZum Real estate law
Real estate law
Kosch & Partner Rechtsanwälte advise you in the following matters, both in legal and economic terms as well as under tax optimization, best possible hedging and fiduciary settlement:
Acquisition of property, buildings and other real estate,
safeguarding your real estate assets - even for generations,
creation and enforcement of lease contracts,
creation of residential property contracts,
creation of developers contracts,
advice on all matters relating to rental freehold apartment law as well as property development law,
building and work contracts of all kinds,
advice and representation in constructing proceedings,
advice and representation in court and administrative proceedings.
We turn your receivables into cash!
Liquidity is one of the most important concerns of any company. Prompt receipt of your receivables is conducive to your liquidity, ensuring the profitability of your company and giving you the necessary leeway to act in the marketplace. On the other hand, unsettled receivables place a strain on your company – and may also oblige you to pay interest on them.
Efficient receivables management therefore involves a well structured and functioning accounting and dunning department, both in your company and with your collection partner. For decades now, we have been involved in the collection of our clients’ receivables – both out of and in court. We support our clients from all sectors and of all sizes, including banks, telecommunications companies, mail order firms, utilities, retailers, etc.
The success of our efforts in this field is guaranteed by highly specialized staff backed up by efficient IT resources: proven know-how, in other words, that ensures rapid and effective results.
As a result of the process and tort rules your debtor is obliged accruing in our efforts pocket expenses (such as flat fees, costs of third-party debtor requests, estimate costs, etc.) to be replaced as well as the case accruing to judicial certain Anwaltsge fees-. In the case of at least partial non-recovery of your claim we will bie-th responsive, predictable costs agreements including performance-oriented, cost-effective packages.
We will advise you of course but also in improving your own dunning, including support and training of your staff, including the efficient design of your terms and conditions belongs.
Whether we enforce the claim out of court, or take on the help of the courts of claim, in all cases, we guarantee prompt and competent care to, combined with a tailored to the needs of your company information on the current status of our efforts.Zum Insolvency law
Insolvency law
Kosch & Partner Rechtsanwälte have specialized in the field of insolvency and restructuring law for decades.At the same time, the lawyers of Kosch & Partner Rechtsanwälte are not only active in the field of insolvency law but also write numerous scientific papers and also participate in the legislative process. Multiple lectures complete the picture.
Corporate restructuring and insolvency law
Insolvency practitioners
Compensation proceedings
Debtor representation
Out-of-court restructuring
Drafting of a brief, negotiations with creditors
Representation during insolvency proceedings under trade and industry law
Representation during insolvency proceedings under taxation law
If damage is caused to property or persons by a product placed on the market, the manufacturer is threatened with a liability based on fault according to the Product Liability Act (PHG).
Kosch & Partner Rechtsanwälte also advise you comprehensively in this area.Zum Tort law (compensation of damages)
Tort law (compensation of damages)
Kosch & Partner Rechtsanwälte advise you comprehensively on all aspects of tort law.
This is independent of whether the possible claim results, for example, from a traffic accident, a neighborhood dispute, a personal injury or even a complex transaction.Zum Arbitration
You will also be advised and represented by Kosch & Partner Rechtsanwälte in arbitration proceedings on civil and corporate disputes.
The experience of our lawyers in this area also results from the fact that they are repeatedly nominated as arbitrators.Zum Tax law
Tax law
Modern legal services are no longer sufficient without basic knowledge of tax law. All areas of corporate and commercial law, contract law, litigation and family and inheritance law advice have become cross-cutting issues which, in the interests of the customer, must be carefully and optimally taken into account in tax law in consultation and drafting of contracts.
We respect and provide a profound education of our legal employees in the field of tax law. We see ourselves as a supplement, not as a substitute for the tax representative of the customer. We have an excellent network of tax consultants and accountants, which we provide to our clients when needed.Zum Criminal law
Criminal law
In the area of criminal law, all areas of expertise are comprehensively covered by Kosch & Partner Rechtsanwälte:
We advise you comprehensively on various questions of telecommunications law and thereby focus on the provisions of the Telecommunications Act (TKG).Zum Company and business law
Company and business law
The attorneys at law Kosch & Partner have always considered themselves to be a law firm dedicated to providing constant and comprehensive support to companies of all sizes.
The range extends from the founding and reorganization of the company from a corporate law perspective, the support of startups and acquisitions as well as advice from an administrative point of view (commercial law, etc) to the support of the company during its operational activities in all legal matters (civil law, administrative law, criminal law, etc.).Zum Insurance law
Insurance law
Kosch & Partner Rechtsanwälte also advise you on all private law issues of insurance law, in particular the Insurance Contract Act (VersVG).Zum Contract design
Contract design
Kosch & Partner Rechtsanwälte support and advise you comprehensively in the design of all contracts, in particular to
Purchase contracts and contracts for services,
contracts on property,
partnership agreements,
company acquisition contracts,
industrial plant contracts and many more.
Special expertise lies in advising companies on the design of their general terms and conditions and contract forms - especially in the B2C sector.Zum Administrative law
Administrative law
Kosch & Partner Rechtsanwälte guarantee efficient and solution-oriented advice and representation in the area of constitutional and administrative law.
This not only includes the advice of companies of all sizes in the field of commercial and investment law, but also includes matters of
construction law,
environmental law,
traffic and automotive law,
immigration legislation, and
we can represent you in administrative criminal cases.
1962 born in Wiener Neustadt
1980 Certificate of Secondary Education at Babenbergerring Secondary School, Wiener Neustadt
1985 Graduation as doctor of legal science (University of Vienna)
1986-1987 Trainee lawyer with Dr. Dietrich Rössler in Vienna
1988-1990 Trainee lawyer with the law firm of KOSCH & PARTNER Rechtsanwälte
1990 Admission to the list of lawyers
1991 Admission to the law firm of KOSCH & PARTNER Rechtsanwälte
1995 Founding and expansion of Vienna offices for the law firm of KOSCH & PARTNER Rechtsanwälte
1997-2004 Lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt for Business and Engineering (Labour law)
since 2006 Member of the Board of the Forum Restructuring and Turnaround
1967 born in Eisenstadt
1987 Certificate of Secondary Education at secondary schools in Eisenstadt
1992 Master’s degree in legal science (University of Vienna)
1992-1998 Trainee lawyer with the law firm KOSCH & PARTNER Rechtsanwälte
1998 Graduation as doctor of legal science (University of Vienna)
1998 Admission to the list of lawyers
1998 Admission to the law firm of KOSCH & PARTNER Rechtsanwälte
since 2000 Member of the Insolvency Law Reform Commission (used in the federal ministry of justice)
seit 2007 CTE - Certified Turnaround Expert
-) Ongoing lectures in the fields of insolvency law, right of avoidance, management liability and liability of the insolvency administrator
-) Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the HYPO NOE Gruppe Bank AG
-) Member of the Supervisory Board of the BauMax AG
2016 Bilanzfälschung und Unternehmenstransaktionen im Licht des StrRÄG 2015 im Buch Bilanzstrafrecht, Hartig u.a., Linde Verlag (im Druck)
Unternehmensfortführung durch den Masseverwalter, ORAC 1998
Geltendmachung und Umfang der Haftung des Masseverwalters bei gescheiterter Unternehmensfortführung, ZIK 2000/49
Die Behandlung der Umsatzsteuer in Insolvenzverfahren nach den Umsatzsteuerrichtlinien 2000, ZIK 2001/9
Unternehmensverkauf im Konkurs, Insolvenz-Forum 2008
Praktische Erfahrungen mit dem IRÄG 2010, Das Sanierungsverfahren aus Sicht des Schuldnervertreters und Sanierungsverwalters, Insolvenz-Forum 2010
Unternehmensveräußerung und übertragende Sanierung in Nunner-Krautgasser/Kapp/Clavora (Hrsg.), Jahrbuch Insolvenz- und Sanierungsrecht, 2013
Praxisprobleme der Unternehmensbewertung (gemeinsam mit Mag. Christof Beste, Insolvenz-Forum 2013
Die Abwicklung der Arbeitsgemeinschaften im Insolvenzverfahren über das Vermögen der ALPINE Bau GmbH - noch ein Zwischenbericht, Insolvenz-Forum 2013
Das Bankkonto der GesbR im Konkurs eines ihrer Gesellschafter in Konecny (Hrsg.), Insolvenzrecht und Kreditschutz 2015
1972 Born in Eisenstadt
1990 Certificate of Secondary Education at secondary schools in Eisenstadt
1997 Master’s degree in legal science (University of Vienna)
1998 Trainee lawyer with the law firm of Dr. Georg Mittermayer in Wien
1999-2000 Lawyer at the Office of the Provincial Government of Burgenland
2000-2004 Trainee lawyer with the law firm of KOSCH & PARTNER Rechtsanwälte
2002 Bar exam
2004 Admission to the list of lawyers
2004 Admission to the law firm of KOSCH & PARTNER Rechtsanwälte
2004 Founding and expansion of Eisenstadt offices for the law firm of KOSCH & PARTNER Rechtsanwälte
1966 Born in Graz
1984 Certificate of Secondary Education at secondary school in Vienna
1992 Master’s degree in legal science (University of Vienna)
1993-1996 Trainee lawyer with the law firm of Weiss-Tessbach Rechtsanwälte OEG in Vienna
1997 Trainee lawyer with the law firm of KOSCH & PARTNER Rechtsanwälte
1997 Bar exam
1998 Admission to the list of lawyers
1998 Admission to the law firm of KOSCH & PARTNER Rechtsanwälte
1998 Lecturer of Labour and Administrative Law at the Private University for Management (PEF) of Vienna
2001 Postgraduate training as a Master of Advanced Studies in European Law at the Donauuniversität Krems
1974 Born in Vienna
1992 Certificate of Secondary Education at Babenbergerring Secondary School, Wiener Neustadt
1998 Master’s degree in legal science (University of Vienna)
1999-2009 Trainee lawyer with the law firm of KOSCH & PARTNER Rechtsanwälte GmbH
2003 Bar exam
2010 Admission to the list of lawyers
2010 Admission to the law firm of KOSCH & PARTNER Rechtsanwälte GmbH
1982 Born in Neunkirchen
2002 Certificate of Secondary Education at Neunkirchen Commercial College
2007 Master’s degree in legal science (University of Vienna)
2007-2008 Trainee lawyer with the law firm of Neudorfer Rechtsanwälte GmbH in Vienna
2008-2012 Trainee lawyer with the law firm of KOSCH & PARTNER Rechtsanwälte GmbH
2010 Bar exam
2012 Admission to the list of lawyers
2012 Admission to the law firm of KOSCH & PARTNER Rechtsanwälte GmbH
1976 Born in Eisenstadt
1994 Certificate of Secondary Education at secondary schools in Eisenstadt
1995-2006 Various positions in the public and private sectors
2009 Master´s degree in legal science (University of Vienna)
2010 Trainee lawyer with the law firm of KOSCH & PARTNER Rechtsanwälte GmbH
2012 Bar exam
2015 Admission to the list of lawyers
2015 Admission to the law firm of KOSCH & PARTNER Rechtsanwälte GmbH
1985 Born in Vienna
2003 Certificate of Secondary Education at Schottengymnasium in Vienna
2008 Master's degree in legal science (University of Vienna)
2009-2013 Assistant Professor at the Institute for Civil and Business Law of the Vienna University of Economics and Business
2010 Research associate at Supreme Court of Justice(OGH)
2013 Graduation as doctor of law (Vienna University of Economics and Business)
2013-2016 Trainee lawyer with the law firm of KOSCH & PARTNER Rechtsanwälte GmbH
2013-2014 Lecturer in Business Law at the Institute for Civil and Business Law of the Vienna University of Economics and Business
2015 Bar exam with excellent success
since 2016 lecturer at the FH Campus Vienna
2016 Admission to the list of lawyers
2016 Admission to the law firm of KOSCH & PARTNER Rechtsanwälte
1995 born in Oberwart
2013 Certificate of Secondary Education at the Realgymnasium der Erzdiözese Wien Sachsenbrunn
2018 Graduation as Magister in Law (University of Vienna) )
2019 – 2020 Trainee lawyer with a corporate law firm in Vienna
since 2020 Trainee lawyer with the law firm Kanzlei Kosch & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH
2021 Bar exam
2023 Admission to the list of lawyers
2023 Admission to the law firm of KOSCH & PARTNER Rechtsanwälte
1990 Born in Waidhofen an der Ybbs
2010 Certificate of Secondary Education at the HTL Waidhofen an der Ybbs
2018 Graduation as Magister in Law (University of Vienna)
2019 Trainee lawyer with a corporate law firm in Vienna
since 2019 Trainee lawyer with the law firm Kosch & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH
2021 Bar exam
2023 Admission to the list of lawyers
2023 Admission to the law firm of KOSCH & PARTNER Rechtsanwälte
1993 Born in Vienna
2011 Certificate of Secondary Education at the BRG Maria Enzersdorf
2018 Master’s degree in law (University of Vienna)
2019-2024 Trainee Lawyer with the law firm Kosch & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH
2022 Bar exam
2024 Admission to the list of lawyers
2024 Admission to the law firm of KOSCH & PARTNER Rechtsanwälte
1966 Born in Vienna (as Andrea Prochaska)
1985 Certificate of Secondary Education at BG Schwechat
1991 Graduation as Master of Laws (University of Vienna)
1992-1995 Trainee lawyer with the law firms
RAe Schuhmeister in Schwechat
RAe Hügel and Partner in Mödling
RAe Schulyok Unger and Partner in Wien
1995 Bar exam
1997 Admission to the list of lawyers
1997 Joined the law firm of Unger and Partner in Wien
2000 Joined the law firm of Schatz and Partner in Mödling
2002-2007 Individual lawyer in Vienna
2007 Joined the law firm of Beck Krist Bubits in Mödling
2011 Voluntary renunciation of the practice of the legal profession
Worked as a management consultant and farmer (sheep farming)
Cooperation with law firm Schenz & Haider in Mödling
2021-2024 Cooperation with Kosch & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH
2024 Re-registration in the list of lawyers
2024 Joined the law firm Kosch & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH
1993 born in Vienna 2011 Certificate of Secondary Graduation at Gymnasium GWIKU 18 Haizingergasse in Vienna 2018 Graduation at the University of Vienna - law degree (Mag. iur.) 2019 - 2020 Trainee Lawyer with a Viennese law firm specialized in family law, victims rights and violence protection since 2020 Trainee Lawyer with the law firm Kosch & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH
1952 Born in Vienna
1971 Certificate of Secondary Education at Babenbergerring Secondary School, Wiener Neustadt
1975 Graduation as doctor of law (University of Vienna)
1976-1978 Trainee lawyer with the law firm of Dr. Friedrich Eckert / Dr. Franz Eckert in Baden
1980 Admission to the list of lawyers
1982 Admission to the law firm of Kosch & Partner
1988-1999 Member of the disciplinary board of the Bar Lower Austria
1997/1998 Mediation training (familiy mediation)
2007 Cofounder of 'Happily Divorced'
1960 Born in Enns
1978 Certificate of Secondary Education at Babenbergerring Secondary School, Wiener Neustadt
1983 Graduation as doctor of legal science (University of Vienna)
1984-1986 Trainee lawyer with the law firm of Hain-Wagner-Schober in Wiener Neustadt
1986-1989 Trainee lawyer with the law firm of KOSCH & PARTNER
1987 Bar exam
1990 Admission to the list of lawyers
1990 Admission to the law firm of KOSCH & PARTNER Rechtsanwälte
since 1998 Chairman of the Supervisory Board of SCC EDV Beratung AG Vienna
since 2001 Chairman of the Supervisory Board Volksbank eG South of Lower Austria and board member of private foundations
2002 to 2010 Lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences for Business and Engineering of Wiener Neustadt (Civil Law)
1998 born in Wiener Neustadt
2017 Certificate of Secondary Education at Babenbergerring Secondary School, Wiener Neustadt
2022 Master’s Degree in law (University of Vienna)
since 2023 trainee lawyer with the law firm Kosch & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH
We look forward to your inquiry. You can reach us using the following contact details:
As a law firm, Kosch & Partner Rechtsanwälte put special emphasis on team spirit, enjoyment of working together, creativity and a good and sound education and training of all employees. This kind of training is made possible for our younger employees by the multitude of our special fields, because they can gain practical experience in a wide variety of legal areas and work closely with our clients.
Do you want to be part of our dynamic, technically excellent and motivated team? Then send us your application including CV, certificates and letter of motivation to the following e-mail address.
Here you will find our free client magazine "mitRECHT". In this medium, we report in a short form up to 5 times a year on legislative changes, current case law and provide practical tips. As an additional service, you can subscribe to our client magazine as well. The order will be shipped free of charge.
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